01. The Challenge
Our challenge is to create a series of twenty dynamic video vignettes to accompany and promote the launch of the e-Recrutement platform for managing the recruitment of primary school teaching staff in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The aim is to design educational and informative videos that explain the various stages of the recruitment process in a clear and engaging way, while highlighting the platform’s functionalities and guiding users – both candidates and administrators – through the process. These capsules should simplify access to information and make the user experience more fluid, while maintaining a consistent and professional visual identity.
02. The Solution
Pour répondre à ce défi, nous avons élaboré une approche créative et technique qui repose sur la conception et la production de capsules vidéo interactives, à la fois éducatives et visuellement attrayantes. Voici notre démarche en plusieurs étapes :
1. Analyse des besoins et du contenu à communiquer : Nous commencerons par une étude détaillée des fonctionnalités et des processus de la plateforme e-Recrutement. Cela inclut l’identification des étapes clés que nous devons expliquer aux utilisateurs, qu’il s’agisse de l’inscription des candidats, de la gestion des candidatures ou de la convocation aux épreuves. Cette phase permettra de définir le contenu précis de chaque capsule vidéo.
2. Création d’un storyboard pour chaque capsule : Nous concevrons un storyboard détaillant le déroulé de chaque vidéo, les messages à transmettre, ainsi que les animations et illustrations qui accompagneront le discours. Chaque capsule sera conçue pour être courte et percutante, tout en fournissant des informations complètes sur une étape précise du processus.
3. Intégration de l’identité visuelle de la plateforme : Nous veillerons à ce que chaque capsule vidéo respecte l’identité visuelle du projet, notamment en termes de couleurs, de typographies et de logo, afin de renforcer la cohérence et la reconnaissance de la marque. Cette intégration permettra d’assurer une continuité visuelle à travers l’ensemble des capsules.
4. Production of animated and informative videos : We will use professional animation tools to produce dynamic and explicit videos. Each vignette will address a specific aspect of the e-Recruitment platform, whether it’s managing registrations, creating tests, evaluating candidates or managing results. The videos will be designed to be easy to understand, with simplified visuals illustrating the different stages of the recruitment process.
5. Adding subtitles and music : Each video will be accompanied by subtitles to guarantee accessibility and enable better understanding of the messages. Pleasant but non-intrusive background music will be selected to keep users’ attention throughout the video.
6. Voice-over recording and synchronization with the video : We will record professional voice-overs in several languages, if necessary, to ensure clarity of messages. Voice-overs will be carefully synchronized with animations and visual transitions, creating a smooth, seamless experience for users. The aim is to ensure a clear and engaging presentation, where users can easily follow every step of the recruitment process.
7. Optimization for distribution on the platform and social networks : The capsules will be adapted for integration into the e-Recruitment platform, as well as shared on the various communication channels used to promote the project. This includes websites, social networks and internal communications with stakeholders.
I think that being a film composer, someone that gets it and actually applies the music, it allows you to open up a spectrum of feeling. You’re now allowed to approach the music from an audio visual perspective.– Adrian Younge
03. The Result
The end result will be a coherent series of twenty video vignettes that will accompany users through the e-Recruitment process. These videos will :
- Make it easier to understand how the platform works, by making recruitment processes more transparent and accessible.
- Optimize the user experience, by offering short, engaging videos that explain each step in a simple and entertaining way.
- Reinforce the platform’s visibility, by conveying clear messages consistent with the project’s identity.
- Accelerate adoption of the platform by candidates and administrators, by effectively guiding users through each phase of the process.
Thanks to our strategic and creative approach, these video vignettes will be a key element of the e-Recruitment project’s communication. They will not only inform but also engage users, while contributing to the success of the overall project.